Biden Accuses Trump of Derailing US Aid to Ukraine

Biden Accuses Trump of Derailing US Aid to Ukraine

Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Ukraine Aid, Bipartisan Bill, Immigration Policies, Russia Invasion, Republican Opposition

President Joe Biden has pointed the finger at former President Donald Trump for undermining a bipartisan bill aimed at delivering billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine. The bill, worth $118bn, was seen as a last-ditch effort by the Biden administration to bolster Ukraine's defense against Russia's invasion. However, Trump's opposition has led to Republican resistance, jeopardizing the bill's passage.

The legislation, agreed upon by Democratic and Republican negotiators in the Senate, also included stricter immigration policies. This marked a rare compromise on immigration issues, which have been a rallying point for Republicans and a political liability for Democrats throughout Biden's presidency.

However, Trump has consistently criticized the bipartisan deal, leading to a backlash from Republicans who control the House of Representatives. They have dismissed the legislation as a "waste of time" and "dead on arrival."

Biden accused Trump of weaponizing the issue rather than seeking a solution, stating that Trump had spent the last 24 hours reaching out to Republicans in the House and Senate, intimidating them into voting against the proposal.

The failure to pass the bill would result in fewer resources for Ukraine to combat Russia's invasion, a situation Biden described as "just what [Vladimir] Putin wants." He warned that a failure to support Ukraine at this critical juncture would never be forgotten.

The bill's defeat would signify the growing influence of isolationist hardliners on Capitol Hill as Trump extends his dominance over the Republican party. It also deals a blow to traditional Republican foreign policy hawks and political pragmatists who backed the bipartisan breakthrough.

Biden urged Senate Republicans to reconsider their opposition, stating that it was time for them to show courage and make it clear to the American people that they work for them, not for anyone else.

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