South Korean Opposition Leader Stabbed in the Neck: A Shocking Incident in Busan

South Korean Opposition Leader Stabbed in the Neck: A Shocking Incident in Busan

Lee Jae-myung,South Korea, opposition leader, stabbed, neck, Busan, Democratic Party, attack, autograph, knife, police, investigation,

On Tuesday, January 02, 2024, a shocking incident occurred in Busan, South Korea, where the tough-speaking liberal opposition leader, Lee Jae-myung, was stabbed in the neck by an unidentified knife-wielding man . The attacker approached Lee, claiming he wanted his autograph, before stabbing him in the left side of his neck . Lee, who is 59 years old and the head of the main opposition Democratic Party, was immediately airlifted to a Seoul hospital for emergency treatment. He is currently recovering at the Seoul National University Hospital after undergoing a two-hour operation .

The Attack and the Immediate Response

The attack took place as Lee was walking through a crowd of journalists and others after a tour of the proposed site of a new airport in Busan . The attacker was quickly subdued by Democratic Party officials, and the police detained him. It is reported that 41 police officers were deployed to the area for crowd control and traffic management . TV footage showed Lee lying on the ground with his eyes closed, while a person pressed a handkerchief to his neck . Witnesses stated that Lee had bled significantly. Videos circulating on social media showed the suspect wearing a paper crown with the words "I'm Lee Jae-myung," possibly attempting to pose as a supporter .

Investigation and Motive

The suspect, approximately 67 years old, revealed to investigators that he had purchased the 18-centimeter (7-inch) knife online . The police are currently investigating the motive behind the attack . It is expected that the suspect will be formally arrested for alleged attempted murder, as he admitted to intending to kill Lee during the investigation.

Political Implications and Lee's Background

Lee's Democratic Party has described the incident as a "terrorist attack" and a "serious threat to democracy". They have called for a thorough and swift investigation by the police. Lee, who lost the 2022 presidential election by a narrow margin, has been a vocal critic of President Yoon Suk Yeol's major policies . He has also faced corruption allegations, which he denies, and has accused the government of pursuing a political vendetta against him.

Similar Incidents in South Korea

Unfortunately, this is not the first time high-profile figures in South Korea have been targeted with violence. In 2015, the then-U.S. Ambassador to South Korea, Mark Lippert, was slashed in the face and arm by an anti-American activist . In 2006, Park Geun-hye, who later became the president of South Korea, was knifed during an election rally . These incidents highlight the need for increased security measures and vigilance in protecting public figures.

Source: News Agencies

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